Hadang Ilbeonji (하당일번지) - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Hadang Ilbeonji (하당일번지)

Hadang Ilbeonji (하당일번지)

14.5 Km    52     2021-03-25

8, Hadang-ro, 30beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

This is a place where you can enjoy cutlassfish dishes made with special seasoning. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do. The most famous menu is braised cutlassfish.

Guldari Swimteo (굴다리쉼터)

Guldari Swimteo (굴다리쉼터)

14.5 Km    108     2021-03-19

16, Pyeonghwa-ro, 20beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

This is a Korean cuisine located in Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do. A restaurant where you can try dishes made of goggle-eyed goby (or mudskippers), which is famous in Jeolla-do. The representative menu is spicy mudskipper stew.

Songhang Nakjiheogwan (송학낙지회관)

Songhang Nakjiheogwan (송학낙지회관)

14.6 Km    41     2021-03-25

9, Hadang-ro, 30beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

It is a place where you can enjoy fresh seafood dishes. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do. The most famous menu is live octopus.

Roca Gatbawi de Mokpo (목포 갓바위)

14.8 Km    20569     2024-04-30

Namnong-ro 166-1, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do.

La singularidad de la roca Gatbawi comienza con su nombre. Este proviene de su similitud con los sombreros tradicionales coreanos de forma cilíndrica llamados ‘gat’ (‘bawi’ significa roca). Esta escultura natural se formó durante un largo período de tiempo, ya que la corriente y las olas del océano erosionaron su parte inferior. Una leyenda se ha transmitido hasta nuestros días. Hace mucho tiempo, un buen hijo transportaba el ataúd de su padre fallecido. Mientras caminaba al borde del mar, tropezó, y el ataúd cayó en las aguas. Dado el gran respeto que profesaba a su padre, el hijo se sintió devastado por su error y no se atrevía a mirar al cielo. Se negó a moverse del lugar, y después de ponerse su sombrero (ponerse el sombrero gat significaba mostrar respeto a alguien) decidió permanecer allí en vigilia hasta que llegó su propia muerte. Unos días más tarde, dos rocas surgieron del fondo del mar. La gente creyó que la roca más grande era el padre, y la más pequeña, su hijo. Tiempo atrás los visitantes debían subir a un bote si querían ver las dos partes que forman la roca Gatbawi, pero en 2008 se construyó un puente peatonal sobre el mar, permitiendo el acceso a pie.

Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones sobre el Patrimonio Cultural Marítimo (국립해양문화재연구소)

15.2 Km    3166     2024-04-30

Namnong-ro 136, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do.

Es el único instituto de investigaciones en Corea especializado en arqueología subacuática. Se dedica a exponer las reliquias y patrimonios excavados en el fondo marino, pertenecientes a grandes barcos hundidos hace siglos. El interior del museo está clasificado en 4 grandes temas, entre ellos, se encuentra la exhibición de las etapas de excavación de los barcos comerciales de cerámica hundidos entre los siglos XI y XIV, también expone las piezas de cerámica de Goryeo encontradas en el proceso de su excavación. En el espacio al aire libre, podrá ver gran cantidad de barcos tradicionales de varios tamaños flotando en el mar.

Termas Wolchulsan (월출산 온천)

Termas Wolchulsan (월출산 온천)

15.2 Km    26310     2021-02-10

Mahan-ro 331, Gunseo-myeon, Yeongam-gun, Jeollanam-do

Las Termas Wolchulsan se encuentran a cinco kilómetros al noroeste de la ciudad de Yeongam. El spa está rodeado por el monte Wochulsan, la llanura de Yeongam y el riachuelo de Yeongamcheon, un afluente del río Yeongsangan.

La fuente de las aguas termales de las Termas Wolchusan es granito de feldespato de color rojo (elvan), que forma la columna del acuífero del monte Wolchulsan. Las propiedades purificadoras del elvan elimina la materia orgánica y contaminada, dando lugar a unas aguas termales naturales y puras. Rica en todo tipo de minerales y oxígeno disuelto, las aguas termales de elvan son famosas por su efectividad a la hora de aliviar dolencias como la fatiga, la neuralgia, reumatismo, problemas de la piel y el pie de atleta.

Varios lugares de interés turístico se encuentran cerca, incluyendo el monte Wolchulsan, el cañaveral en Miwangjae y el templo Dogapsa, así que los visitantes pueden disfrutar de un buen descanso en lasTermas Wolchulsan después de hacer turismo.

Aeropuerto Internacional de Muan (무안국제공항)

15.6 Km    1901     2021-04-09

Gonhang-ro 970-260, Mangun-myeon, Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do.

El Aeropuerto Internacional de Muan, ubicado en Piseo-ri, Mangun-myeon, Muan-gun de Jeollanam-do, es un aeropuerto internacional alternativo para los vuelos nacionales del Aeropuerto de Mokpo y los vuelos internacionales del Aeropuerto de Gwangju. 

Está ubicado a 220 kilómetros de la línea costera y tiene hermosos paisajes en los alrededores. La zona alberga el Gran Premio de la Fórmula 1, sitios de esparcimiento del área de Seonam como la Ciudad Turística de Seonam, etc. y áreas industriales como la Ciudad Industrial de Muan, de modo que el aeropuerto ofrece ventajas tanto para el turismo como la logística.

Worlindang [Korea Quality] / 월인당 [한국관광 품질인증]

Worlindang [Korea Quality] / 월인당 [한국관광 품질인증]

15.8 Km    8235     2023-04-13

37-11, Mojeong 1-gil, Gunseo-myeon, Yeongam-gun, Jeollanam-do
+82-61-471-7675, +82-10-6648-7916

Wolindang is a hanok stay located in “Mojeong Happy Village", Gunseo-myeon, Yeongam-gun. The name “Wolindang” means “The place where the moonlight meets the chimney smoke over the forest" in Korea. It was named as such because the locals make sure the structures are in perfect harmony with the surrounding nature. With comfortable rooms and various things to do in nature, it's a great place to stay for a family vacation. Wolindang is situated on a hill overlooking the plain. There, you will see Wolchulsan Mountain to the east, Eunjeoksan Mountain to the west, and the fields in the northern part of the village. The village is most well known for its beautiful moonlight, particularly when it cascades down from the peak of Wolchulsan Mountain. It's one of the best places in the country to see the full moon throughout the four seasons. Even the guestrooms are named after the natural features of the village, such as “Mountain Sunset” where you can enjoy the beautiful sunset, “Crescent Moon” where you can feel the calm of the moonlight, and "Plain" where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the plains. There are Oriental paintings by Baek Seungdon and Kim Seungnam in each of the rooms, and that's why the rooms are collectively called "The Wolin Museum" among the locals. As you take a walk in the village, you will see many murals, which are the paintings of the 12 different landscape views seen from Wonpungjeong Pavilion at the end of the village. The murals include some poems written by the villagers. In 2005, the owner of this place moved back to this village, his hometown, and built this traditional Korean house in a large vegetable garden right below the house where his family has lived since the time of his great-grandfather. The house has all the features of a traditional Korean house, including the “numaru”, main floored room, flat stone floor, and red clay walls. The “numaru” and “toenmaru” in particular are great places to enjoy the wind and see the clear sky. Guests can enjoy a meal or tea in the "numaru" located next to the “Plain Room”. The flat stone floor is designed for floor heating from the kitchen furnace, just like the rooms in a house were heated in the past. The kitchen furnace can be used as a BBQ or to cook sweet potatoes. The floors in the room are covered with traditional Korean paper and furnished with starched sheets and blankets. There are a number of programs with nature as the theme for the guests to enjoy as well, such as the “Tea Drinking Experience” program where you get to make and drink your own green tea and yellow tea in the traditional Korean way and “Natural Dyeing Experience” where you can dye your own handkerchief or T-shirt using natural materials such as persimmon, safflower, and tree. Other programs include the cooking class where guests get to make knife-cut noodles with adzuki beans and Korean wheat dough. There is a volleyball court in the grass yard. These traditional experience programs and the large grass yard are two of the main reasons why large families choose this place to stay overnight. As such, this is one of the most recommended guesthouses for families with children or old parents planning for a trip.

Jjamppong Gongjang (짬뽕공장)

Jjamppong Gongjang (짬뽕공장)

16.9 Km    45     2021-03-22

31-1, Yangeul-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

This is a store where you can eat various dishes of jjamppong (Korean spicy seafood noodle soup). This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do. The most famous menu is spicy seafood noodle hot pot.

Namhae Chueotang (남해추어탕)

Namhae Chueotang (남해추어탕)

17.1 Km    66     2021-03-22

3, Sanjeong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

A store selected as a model restaurant in Mokpo. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do. The most famous menu is loach soup.