3.9Km 2021-03-30
60, Gaya-daero 784beon-gil, Busanjin-gu, Busan
It is a place where you can enjoy various Chinese dishes as well as lamb dishes. This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is lamb skewers.
3.9Km 2020-12-29
64 Bujeon-ro Busanjin-gu Busan
You can enjoy Korean-style barbecue by grilling whole high-quality sow meat. This restaurant's signature menu is barbecue. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.
3.9Km 2021-03-30
4, Bujeon-ro 65beon-gil, Busanjin-gu, Busan
You can eat fresh and delicious sashimi. The best menu at this restaurant is assorted sliced raw fish. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.
4.0Km 2020-12-28
73 Sincheon-daero 62beon-gil Busanjin-gu Busan
It is a restaurant specializing in spicy stir-fried octopus but also serves dishes made of octopus, beef intestines, and shrimps. This restaurant's signature menu is stir-fried octopus, beef small intestine and shrimp. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.
4.0Km 2020-04-28
12, Geumgang-ro 123beon-gil, Dongnae-gu, Busan
Dongnae Byeljang in Busan is a villa with over a century of history. The villa boasts a large garden infused with Korean and Japanese styles, pine trees that are 200 to 300 years old, as well as a pagoda and a traditional-style house that are of cultural heritage value. Also, it has long been the cradle of song and dance heritage. Today, it is well known for its Korean restaurant, Song Hyang, that serves traditional royal cuisine. The combination of old charm with a unique dining experience makes Dongnae Byeljang a popular venue for various special events and family gatherings.
4.0Km 2021-01-07
63 Bujeon-ro Busanjin-gu Busan
You can enjoy high-quality meat from various parts at reasonable prices. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The most famous menu is grilled pork belly.
4.0Km 2021-05-18
Geumganggongwon-ro 20-beongil 23, Dongnae-gu, Busan.
Corea tiene una larga tradición de aguas termales y uno de los lugares más famosos en ese sentido es la Zona Termal de Dongnae. La leyenda cuenta que una grulla con una pata rota visitó los manantiales de agua caliente y al sumergirla allí, se curó por completo. La zona cuenta con una gran concentración de instalaciones de aguas termales. Algunos de los complejos más grandes son Nokcheontang, Cheonil Spa y las Termas Hurshimchung, que tiene una capacidad de 3.000 personas a la vez. La visita a un spa es ideal para los turistas que buscan descanso y relajación en su viaje por Busan. Después de recargar energías, puede visitar algún restaurante de la zona para probar la especialidad local: el pajeon de Dongnae, con una textura más suave que el pajeon habitual.
4.0Km 2021-03-30
Sincheon-daero 62-beongil 61, Busanjin-gu, Busan.
El área de Seomyeon es una de las principales zonas comerciales de Busan, compuesta por una variedad de tiendas de moda, de comidas, bares, etc., y frecuentada por gran cantidad de jóvenes. También dispone de muchos lugares para entretenerse: cines, discotecas, clubes, etc., y las calles se mantienen iluminadas y abarrotadas de gente hasta tarde. Se ha instalado un escenario especial para los festivales de primavera y otoño, por lo que es cada vez más visitado por turistas y residentes.
4.0Km 2021-03-30
49, Bujeon-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan
It's a store serving soft and delicious gopchang dishes at affordable prices. The best menu at this restaurant is grilled beef small intestine. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan.
4.0Km 2021-03-30
26, Seomyeon-ro, Busanjin-gu, Busan
It is a restaurant specializing in steamed clams and grilled clams using seasonal clams. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Busanjin-gu, Busan. The representative menu is steamed cams.