Firenze Hotel (피렌체호텔) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Firenze Hotel (피렌체호텔)

Firenze Hotel (피렌체호텔)

19.2Km    2020-06-05

5-8, Sangmujungang-ro 38beon-gil, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Located in downtown Gwangju, Firenze Hotel is a quality hotel with state-of-the-art facilities and a tasteful European interior decor emphasizing "smooth and modern design." The hotel also has a banquet room perfect for important meeting between friends, family, or business colleagues.

Ramada Plaza Gwangju (라마다프라자 광주호텔)

Ramada Plaza Gwangju (라마다프라자 광주호텔)

19.3Km    2021-06-01

149, Sangmujayu-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Ramada Plaza Gwangju, opened in October 2008, was thoroughly assessed by the famous Wyndham Hotel Group (USA) and received much praise for its luxurious design and wide variety of amenities. As a result of the assessment, the hotel was awarded the title of “Plaza,” a prestigious rank given only to the highest grade of Ramada hotels. Ramada Plaza Gwangju takes pride in being the only premium first class hotel in Gwangju and boasts a staff of recognized experts in their respective fields, providing world-class service to the guests.

The hotel structure and interior of the guestrooms were designed by the Australian company ISM Design Co. while the designs for the lobby and sky lounge were undertaken by the famous Japanese interior design company Super Potato. Ramada Plaza Gwangju is famous not just as a high-quality hotel, but also as a popular multicultural complex.

Tourist Hotel Masters (마스터스관광호텔)

Tourist Hotel Masters (마스터스관광호텔)

19.3Km    2020-07-08

46, Sangmuyeonha-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Tourist Hotel Masters, located in Gwangju, offers modern facilities, quality customer service, and modern guestrooms with an array of design concepts. For the convenience of guests, the hotel provides a comfortable business center in the lobby and offers traditionally brewed German beer and live music at “Munchen Brauhaus.” There is also a coffee shop from which you can take in the scenic view of Gwangju while slowly sipping your drink.

Temple Mugaksa (무각사)

19.3Km    2021-10-28

230, Uncheon-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju

Le temple Mugaksa qui se situe sur le mont Yeouisan à Gwangju est un temple bouddhiste urbain équivalent du temple Bongeunsa de Séoul. A l'intérieur du temple se trouvent un café-librairie, la 'Lotus Gallery' et la maison de thé traditionnelle 'Sarangchae'. Le temple Mugaksa a ouvert en 2009 un marché de partage qui vend via des groupes religieux et diverses associations sociales des biens recyclés et écologiques.

Village Balsan (청춘발산마을)

Village Balsan (청춘발산마을)

19.3Km    2024-10-25

12-16, Cheonbyeonjwa-ro, Seogu, Gwangju

Le village Balsan est un village typique de Gwangju. Le village historique avait accueilli des réfugiés de la guerre de Corée avant d'attirer des travailleurs dans les années 1970 et 1980, notamment pour le travail en usine. Le site a été aménagé avec des peintures murales et différents espaces publics pour restaurer complètement les lieux.  

Guihyangjeong (귀향정)

19.4Km    2023-11-16

21, Champan-ro 26 Beon-gil, Dong-gu, Gwangju

Guihyangjeong désigne un restaurant de plats traditionnels coréens 'hanjeongsik' avec un savoir-faire de presque 20 ans. Le restaurant est spécialisé dans les plats de fruits de mer et n'utilise que des ingrédients de saison issus des producteurs locaux.

Yeongmi Oritang (영미오리탕)

Yeongmi Oritang (영미오리탕)

19.4Km    2021-09-13

126, Gyeongyang-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju

Yeongmi Oritang has been serving up duck stew (oritang) to the community for over 80 years. Made with ground perilla seeds, soybean paste, chili powder, garlic, and other carefully selected ingredients, the duck is boiled in an earthen pot and seasoned with ginseng, jujube, and water parsley to suit each customer's individual tastes. The dish is served with kimchi side dishes, which are said to enhance the flavor of the duck meat. Since duck is known to be effective in treating liver and geriatric diseases, the restaurant is popular not only for its delicious flavors, but also for the health benefits of its food.

Gwangju Hey Party [Korea Quality] / 광주헤이파티 [한국관광 품질인증]

Gwangju Hey Party [Korea Quality] / 광주헤이파티 [한국관광 품질인증]

19.4Km    2023-04-13

23, Gyeongyang-ro 165beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju
+82-62-528-0012, +82-10-5197-1401

I Am Guesthouse has clean and cozy rooms. It's easy to get to the guesthouse because it's right across from Gwangju Station. The guesthouse serves free Korean breakfast and brunch for the convenience of the guests. Rooms of different sizes can accommodate up to 4, 6, 10, and 12 people, each furnished with air conditioner, hair dryer, Internet, powder room for female travelers, and personal safe. One of the most popular tourist destinations in Gwangju is Mudeungsan Mountain, but Gwangju is famous for its food. Korean table d’hote and grilled rib patties are a must-try in Gwangju.

Grand Magasin Hyundai (Gwangju) (현대백화점-광주점)

19.4Km    2014-12-15

249, Gyeongyeol-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju-si

Le Grand Magasin Hyundai de la ville de Gwangju est situé à Buk-gu et possède 6 sous-sols et 11 étages. Il est a la hauteur de sa devise, "Une vie juste", pour les citoyens de la région de Gwangju. Il possède une très grande variété de produits: des articles de mode, des appareils, des objets de la vie quotidienne, des grandes marques coréennes, ainsi que des marques de luxe étrangères.

Il est ouvert de 10h30 à 20h00, plus tard les vendredis, samedis, et dimanches et est fermé un lundi par mois.

Sejong Hotel Gwangju

Sejong Hotel Gwangju

19.4Km    2021-04-09

30, Gyeongyang-ro 165beon-gil, Buk-gu, Gwangju
+82-62-528-0071, +82-10-5197-1401

Gwangju Sejong Hotel is very conveniently located since it’s a mere 3 minutes away from Gwangju Station on foot. The 6-story building has 35 cozy, quality rooms at affordable rates. All the rooms are furnished with TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, and desktop computer for the convenience of the guests. The hotel offers pick-up service from Gwangju Station for those using public transportation. There is a convenience store right next to the hotel, with lots of restaurants to choose from around the hotel where you can try famous Jeollanam-do-style Korean cuisine and dishes during your stay in Gwangju.