1.5Km 2021-03-22
22, Ujeongguk-ro, 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
A famous place for group dinners among workers in Jongno. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The most famous menu is braised pigs' feet.
1.5Km 2021-03-22
5, Jong-ro, 8-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
A place selling maratang (mala soup), which is popular among Koreans who like spicy food. The best menu at this restaurant is mala soup. This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.
1.5Km 2021-03-19
47-1, Samil-daero 17-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
You can eat jjukumi (webfoot octopus) with cheese fondue. The best menu at this restaurant is stir-fried webfoot octopus. This is a Korean cuisine located in Jongno, Seoul.
1.5Km 2021-08-31
Séoul, Jongro-gu, Sejongdae-ro sous-sol 189
Le parc Sejongno est situé près du centre des arts du spectacle Sejong au coeur de Séoul. A l’intérieur du parc, vosu trouverez des bancs en bois et des espaces ombragés pour vous détendre. Vous trouvez également des fontaines d’eau, une scène extérieure, et diverses sculptures. Beaucoup de gens se rendent dans ce parc durant le weekend pour profiter d’un moment de détente. Durant le weekend, le parc sert aussi de lieu de tournage et de photos pour les jeunes mariés.
Le poème ‘Bulnor’ du poète Ju Yo-han est sculpté sur une stèle commémorative à l’intérieur du parc
1.5Km 2021-03-22
32-12, Jong-ro, 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
A store selling Korean beef and pork dishes. The best menu at this restaurant is grilled Korean beef rib eye steak. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.
1.6Km 2021-03-20
31, Ujeongguk-ro, 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Selling spicy soups, it’s a good place to visit after visiting Cheonggyecheon. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The most famous menu is pork and kimchi stew.
1.6Km 2020-11-20
25 Samil-daero 15-gil Jongno-gu Seoul
It is a good restaurant, not only for meals but also for gatherings. This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The representative menu is spicy seafood noodle soup.
1.6Km 2020-11-19
19, Samil-daero, 15-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
A restaurant where you can enjoy the highest-quality Korean beef. The most famous menu is grilled Korean beef rib eye steak. A barbecue specialty restaurant located in Jongno, Seoul.
1.6Km 2021-03-26
29, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
It is a place where you can eat in the atmosphere of a cart bar that is often featured in Korean dramas. The best menu at this restaurant is grilled sea eel. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.
1.6Km 2022-12-14
Séoul, Jongno-gu, Sejongdae-ro 198
대한민국역사박물관은 19세기 말 개항기부터 오늘날에 이르는 대한민국의 역사를 종합적·체계적으로 보여주는 국내 최초의 국립 근현대사박물관이다. 종로구 세종대로에 있는 대한민국역사박물관은 옛 문화체육관광부 건물을 리모델링하여 건립한 지상 8층 건물로, 4개의 상설전시실과 2개의 기획전시실로 이루어져 있다. 이 밖에 세미나실, 강의실, 카페, 문화 상품점, 옥상 정원 등도 갖추고 있다.