Calle Siridan-gil (시리단길) - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Calle Siridan-gil (시리단길)

Calle Siridan-gil (시리단길)

10.0Km    2023-11-17

Imbangul-daero 826-beongil 19-20, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

La Calle Siridan-gil es una zona comercial inaugurada en el barrio de Ssangam-dong, distrito de Gwangsan-gu, que popularmente ha recibido el nombre de "sector Cheongdam". Está compuesta por tres torres, las Synergy Towers, creadas por el Synergy Town Project. Entre las Synergy Towers, se destaca la Voyager Cheomdan, que está llena de tiendas que incluyen boutiques de moda, gimnasios y tiendas de cosméticos.

Noble Stay Hotel [Korea Quality] / 노블 스테이 (Noble Stay) [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

Noble Stay Hotel [Korea Quality] / 노블 스테이 (Noble Stay) [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

10.1Km    2020-12-29

19-7, Imbangul-daero 826beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

Noble Stay is a business hotel equipped with 94 rooms, a breakfast buffet, and a sky lounge. There is a food street and large supermarkets nearby, which are very popular among travelers with its large, stylish exterior and interior. White and wood tone are used in each guest room, with air purifiers and stylers equipped to provide a comfortable stay for all visitors. On the very top floor of the hotel, a sky lounge is available to be enjoyed. Breakfast can be eaten at the sky lounge while observing the scenery of Gwangju at a glance.

Duzon Hotel A [Korea Quality] / 더존호텔A [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

Duzon Hotel A [Korea Quality] / 더존호텔A [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

10.1Km    2023-04-13

60-37, Imbangul-daero 826beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

Located in Gwangju, Duzon Hotel is equipped with a variety of room types, ranging from single rooms to VIP rooms, allowing the visitors to use conveniently. In particular, it is impressive that business centers, meeting rooms, and small seminar rooms which can be used immediately to handle urgent work for business customers are available. The room is prepared with a whirlpool bath for relieving fatigue, and with a pleasing interior and tidy bedding, providing extra comfort to your stay. In addition, the Semi Breakfast Buffet serves about 20 menus from Korean food to Western food, so you can enjoy a plentiful meal.

Duzon Hotel [Korea Quality] / 더존호텔 [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

Duzon Hotel [Korea Quality] / 더존호텔 [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

10.1Km    2023-04-13

60-37, Imbangul-daero 826beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

Located in Gwangju, Duzon Hotel is equipped with a variety of room types, ranging from single rooms to VIP rooms, allowing the visitors to use conveniently. In particular, it is impressive that business centers, meeting rooms, and small seminar rooms which can be used immediately to handle urgent work for business customers are available. The room is prepared with a whirlpool bath for relieving fatigue, and with a pleasing interior and tidy bedding, providing extra comfort to your stay. In addition, the Semi Breakfast Buffet serves about 20 menus from Korean food to Western food, so you can enjoy a plentiful meal.

Jardín Soswaewon de Damyang (담양 소쇄원)

10.1Km    2023-01-04

Soswaewon-gil 17, Gasamunhak-myeon, Damyang-gun, Jeollanam-do.

Soswaewon es un jardín público representativo de la dinastía Joseon en el cual podemos ver la belleza tradicional coreana. Este jardín fue construido por Yang San-bo después de renunciar su ambición por la fama y el poder al ser asesinado su profesor Jo Kwang-Jo por razones políticas. Soswaewon significa "jardín limpio y transparente" y fue donde los marineros disfrutaban de la música y de tiempos placenteros entre los bosques de pinos de este lugar.

Soswaewon tiene un arroyo que en las colinas de los costados se plantaron árboles boksa y variadas plantas, e hicieron que el agua transparente del valle corriera por debajo de la cerca a través de piedras. Además por arriba del agua del valle hay un puente de madera lo cual suma elegancia al paisaje. La cascada que cae del molino de agua forma una buena armonía entre la naturaleza y lo artificial, es un jardín donde reprodujeron en forma exacta el hermoso paisaje de las montañas. El jardín está a unos 150 m de la carretera. El camino hacia la entrada al jardín está decorado con árboles. Recorriendo este camino por el lado izquierdo aparece también un pequeño valle.

Dasomchae [Korea Quality] / 다솜채 [한국관광 품질인증]

Dasomchae [Korea Quality] / 다솜채 [한국관광 품질인증]

10.2Km    2023-04-13

27, Naesang-ro 51beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

Built more than 80 years ago, Dasomchae is a 'hanok (traditional Korean house)' guesthouse located in Songjeong-dong, Gwangju-si. It has 12 guestrooms whose walls are covered with healthy, natural red clay. The blankets are filled with natural cotton for a good night's sleep. There are lots of grapevines and trees in the front yard, including yew, locust, Japanese angelica, pomegranate, jujube, and apricot trees. In summer, the chimney is covered with trumpet flowers, making for a picturesque view. There is also a Korean A-frame that has actually been used for decades. Located a mere 10 minutes away by car from Songjeong Station, the guesthouse is very conveniently located for those wishing to visit various tourist destinations in the city.

Hotel the Spot [Korea Quality] / 호텔더스팟 [한국관광 품질인증]

Hotel the Spot [Korea Quality] / 호텔더스팟 [한국관광 품질인증]

10.3Km    2023-12-07

32, Amkor-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju

The Spot Hotel in downtown Buk-gu, Gwangju, Jeollanam-do, offers travellers good facilities and a choice of rooms. For example the studio suite includes cooking facilities, and the super king room has a super king-size bed and is ideal for families with young children. There are also rooms with a bathtub. The hotel offers free breakfast, a pay-for laundry service, valet parking and a concierge service. Guests can stroll in the nearby park or along Yeongsan River opposite the hotel.

Songjeong Tteokgalbi - 1st branch (송정떡갈비 1호점)

Songjeong Tteokgalbi - 1st branch (송정떡갈비 1호점)

10.4Km    2020-02-21

1, Gwangsan-ro 29beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

Songjeong is famous for its tteokgalbi (grilled short rib meat patties), which is one of the five must-eat food of Gwangju. There are many tteokgalbi restaurants around Gwangsan district office, but Songjeong’s history goes back to 1976 and making it the original store.

A good tteokgalbi is made by mixing the meat of beef short ribs and pork bone ribs in a one-to-one ratio and adding acacia honey to make the meat both tender and chewy. The dish is also reasonably priced. The secret to the delicious meat is the sauce, which is made with about 20 natural ingredients like kelp, radish, and green onion and no artificial seasonings. Also a pride of the restaurant is the broth made from pork bones which comes with the tteokgalbi.

Top Cloud Hotel [Korea Quality] / 탑클라우드호텔 광주점 [한국관광 품질인증]

Top Cloud Hotel [Korea Quality] / 탑클라우드호텔 광주점 [한국관광 품질인증]

10.5Km    2023-11-28

57-1, Imbangul-daero 825beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

The Top Cloud Hotel in Gwangju, Jeollanam-do, is an impressive building with a luxurious interior. Rooms are comfy with high-quality bedding for a good night’s sleep, and all offer splended night views over Gwangju and its Gwangsan high-tech district. Facilities include a hearty breakfast, a 24-hour information desk, and concierge service.

Callejón del Tteokgalbi de Songjeong-dong en Gwangju (광주 송정동 떡갈비 골목)

Callejón del Tteokgalbi de Songjeong-dong en Gwangju (광주 송정동 떡갈비 골목)

10.5Km    2024-12-27

Gwangsan-ro 29-beongil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju

El Callejón del Tteokgalbi de Songjeong-dong en Gwangju tiene unos 20 restaurantes que se especializan en tteokgalbi (albóndigas planas de carne de costilla a la parrilla). La zona es un lugar popular para comer tanto para los lugareños como para los turistas, y mucha gente la visita tanto durante la semana como el fin de semana. El tteokgalbi aquí se destaca del tteokgalbi que se encuentra en otras regiones en varios aspectos: la mayoria de los lugares usan 100% carne de res en las hamburguesas, pero el tteokgalbi de Songjeong-dong usa una mezcla de carne de res y cerdo. Este cambio se realizó en los años 90 para mantener los precios iguales durante una temporada financiera difícil. Los restaurantes de aquí también sirven una sopa de caldo de huesos con la comida, hecha con huesos de cerdo hervidos con algas y rábanos durante un largo período de tiempo.