Jongro Seolleongtang (종로설렁탕) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Jongro Seolleongtang (종로설렁탕)

Jongro Seolleongtang (종로설렁탕)

880.3M    161     2021-03-19

110, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A restaurant selling Korean-style healthy broth-based dishes. The best menu at this restaurant is ox bone soup. This is a Korean cuisine located in Jongno, Seoul.

Sinheung Yukga (신흥육가)

Sinheung Yukga (신흥육가)

880.7M    174     2021-03-19

15, Samil-daero 20-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A barbecue specialty restaurant located in Jongno, Seoul. The most famous menu is grilled pork belly. Try the iberian secret (or secreto ibérico).

Masinneungimchijjim&Sundubu (맛있는김치찜&순두부)

Masinneungimchijjim&Sundubu (맛있는김치찜&순두부)

885.4M    154     2021-03-20

31, Ujeongguk-ro, 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Selling spicy soups, it’s a good place to visit after visiting Cheonggyecheon. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. The most famous menu is pork and kimchi stew.

Samcheongdong Sujebi (삼청동수제비)

Samcheongdong Sujebi (삼청동수제비)

889.1M    33739     2019-06-13

101-1, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Get off the subway at Gyeongbokgung Station (Subway Line 3), follow the wall of the Gyeongbokgung Palace and you'll find yourself facing a street with majestic trees whose foliage changes every season. This street leads directly to Samcheong-dong. As you enter Samcheong-dong and walk towards the Samchong-dong Tunnel, you'll come across Samcheongdong Sujebi, located right next to the Prime Minister Legation.

Samcheongdong Sujebi became a hit among Japanese tourists, after being featured in a popular Japanese magazine. The main dish here is, of course, sujebi (a traditional Korean soup consisting of chunks of dough and various vegetables). It comes in a pot full of sliced pumpkin, clams, and potatoes. This delicious soup is so tasty that there's almost always people lined up outside the restaurant. Other popular items include dongdongju (traditional Korean liquor) and gamjajeon (a Korean potato pancake that uses only potato starch and no other ingredients).

Samyang Samgyetang (삼양삼계탕)

Samyang Samgyetang (삼양삼계탕)

889.8M    116     2021-03-19

9, Supyo-ro 20-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

This is a Korean cuisine located in Jongno, Seoul. Roasted whole chicken is also delicious. The best menu at this restaurant is abalone and ginseng chicken soup.

Jongno Myeongtaedeokjang (종로명태덕장)

Jongno Myeongtaedeokjang (종로명태덕장)

889.8M    144     2021-03-20

9, Supyo-ro, 20-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A restaurant tucked away in Jongno where you can eat spicy braised fish. This restaurant's signature menu is braised pollack. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Musée de l'Histoire de Corée (대한민국역사박물관)

Musée de l'Histoire de Corée (대한민국역사박물관)

890.3M    2181     2022-12-14

Séoul, Jongno-gu, Sejongdae-ro 198

대한민국역사박물관은 19세기 말 개항기부터 오늘날에 이르는 대한민국의 역사를 종합적·체계적으로 보여주는 국내 최초의 국립 근현대사박물관이다. 종로구 세종대로에 있는 대한민국역사박물관은 옛 문화체육관광부 건물을 리모델링하여 건립한 지상 8층 건물로, 4개의 상설전시실과 2개의 기획전시실로 이루어져 있다. 이 밖에 세미나실, 강의실, 카페, 문화 상품점, 옥상 정원 등도 갖추고 있다.

Machyomara (마쵸마라)

Machyomara (마쵸마라)

890.7M    122     2021-03-22

5, Jong-ro, 8-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

A place selling maratang (mala soup), which is popular among Koreans who like spicy food. The best menu at this restaurant is mala soup. This Chinese (cuisine) restaurant is located in Jongno-gu, Seoul.

Porte Gwanghwamun (광화문)

894.7M    4800     2022-12-14

161, Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul-si

Gwanghwamun est la porte principale du Palais Gyeongbukgung, fondé en 1395, par le premier empereur de la dynastie Joseon, Taejo.

C’est la porte du sud parmi les quatre portes de la capitale sud-coréenne. Son nom signifie “Que la Lumière de l’Illumination recouvre le Monde!” et elle porte le but profond que les gens qui ont fondé la dynastie Joseon avait, en créant une nouvelle dynastie.

La Porte Gwanghwamun a été construite de granite. Au centre, il y a une entrée ressemblant à un arc-en-ciel, appelée Hongyemun, et au-dessus, se trouve la tour de la porte. La Porte Gwanghwamun renferme un souvenir douloureux dans l’histoire de la Corée. Durant l’ occupation japonaise de la Corée, de façon à tuer les esprits des citoyens coréens, le général du gouvernement japonais avait détruit la porte et construit son propre bâtiment gouvernemental. L’apparence réelle de la porte est celle de 1968 lorsqu’elle a été reconstruite en utilisant du béton, et elle est située environ à 10m derrière le point d’origine. Pour restituer la forme d'origine de la porte, le gouvernement a entrepris des travaux d'aménagement à partir de 2006, ces travaux se sont terminés le 15 août en 2010.

Cérémonie au Beffroi Bosingak (보신각타종행사)

Cérémonie au Beffroi Bosingak (보신각타종행사)

896.3M    4403     2020-09-10

54, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Bureau de gestion du Beffroi Bosingak : +82-2-2133-2641

La mairie de Séoul a organisé cette cérémonie qui fait sonner la cloche du Beffroi Bosingak depuis le 21 novembre 2006 pour les citoyens de Séoul et les touristes étrangers. Il a lieu tous les jours à midi, hormis lundi.