Musée de l'Alcool Traditionnel Coréen de Jeonju (전주 전통술박물관) - Information sur les alentours - informations de Voyage Corée

Musée de l'Alcool Traditionnel Coréen de Jeonju (전주 전통술박물관)

383.1593858513009m    5582     2024-04-07

74, , Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Découvrez la gloire de l’alcool traditionnel coréen dans ce musée ! Vous pouvez voir les outils et machines utilisés pour la fabrication, ainsi que des expositions sur le thème de l’alcool traditionnel. Les zones les plus intéressantes du musée sont considérées commé étant la salle de préparation d’alcool et la salle de fermentation. Grâce aux enceintes disposées dans ces deux salles, vous pourrez entendre les sons amplifiés que l’alcool émet pendant le procédé de fermentation. Vous pourrez également profiter des arômes séduisants de la liqueur traditionnelle coréenne. Les premiers et troisièmes samedis du mois, vous pourrez vous faire la main à la fabrication et pendant les seconds et quatrièmes, il vous sera possible de participer à une dégustation traditionnelle.

Centre des trésor de Jeonju (전주 공예품전시관, 명품관)

Centre des trésor de Jeonju (전주 공예품전시관, 명품관)

384.67142024413613m    1521     2024-04-07

15, Taejo-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Pour les personnes recherchant de l'artisanat de haute qualité dans la région de Jeonju, le Centre des Trésors de Jeonju est l'endroit idéal pour faire des achats. Le Seonjacheong propose des éventails traditionnels, le Hanjigwan met en vente des produits fabriqués en papier coréen traditionnels, et l'Omokdae expose des objets en bois et d'autres produits. Il est très agréable de s'y promener et d'y admirer les produits, même si vous n'avez pas l'intention d'acheter.

Jeonju Nanjang (전주난장)

Jeonju Nanjang (전주난장)

386.866442089137m    0     2024-04-08

33-20, Dongmun-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Jeonju Nanjang désigne un musée construit comme un parc thématique situé dans le village des hanok de Jeonju, un endroit idéal pour les prises de photo et les activités autour des traditions de Corée. 

The Hanok [Korea Quality] / 더 한옥 [한국관광 품질인증]

The Hanok [Korea Quality] / 더 한옥 [한국관광 품질인증]

390.69352803073275m    875     2024-04-07

68-15, Eunhaeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

The Hanok was transformed into a new style of hanok by combining the traditional structure (built in 1975) with a modern hanok style. Located in Jeonju Hanok Village, this large hanok is composed of a ‘ㄱ’-shaped bonchae (main building, 7-kan*), a sarangchae (men’s quarters, 3-kan), a large courtyard, and a platform for crocks of sauces and condiments. The house accepts only a limited number of people so that guests can enjoy a relaxing stay amid a pleasant, spacious environment. Each room is built with “well-being” construction materials such as Hinoki cypress wood, red clay, and hanji (traditional Korean paper handmade from the mulberry tree). As for the four rooms of the anchae (women’s quarters), ‘Gwibin’, the largest room, is suitable for two families. It is heated with the ondol system (Korean floor heating system), and has a body massager and two king-sized beds. ‘Eoulim’ has an attic and a high ceiling with exposed rafters and crossbeams. Both rooms are equipped with two bathrooms. The ‘ㅡ’-shaped sarangchae opposite the courtyard has three guestrooms. In particular, ‘Byeolhana’ has a red clay bed with ondol heating; while ‘Byeolset’ features a bunkbed made of wooden materials originally used in the construction of the house. The Hanok provides a ‘Moonlight tea meeting’ where guests can enjoy tea and conversation under the moonlight in the large courtyard. *kan - a unit of measurement referring to the distance between two columns.

Festival Daesaseup de Jeonju (전주대사습놀이전국대회)

Festival Daesaseup de Jeonju (전주대사습놀이전국대회)

398.73820624327124m    925     2024-04-07

151-9, Jeonju MBC Hall, Junghwasandong 2-ga, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk
- Ligne info Tourisme +82-63-1330 (coréen, anglais, japonais, chinois) - Pour obtenir plus d'info +82-63-252-6792 (coréen)

Daesaseup origine de la musique pansori qui est apparu à l'époque du règne du roi Yeongjo's (dynastie Joseon) et a été transmis jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Le Festival de Jeonju Daesaseup remonte à l'époque où les artistes en circulation de tout le pays ont été invités à un festival de la chanson toute la nuit à la veille du solstice d'hiver. Pour participer ce festival, les chanteurs doués de tout le pays se réunissent.

Damun (다문)

Damun (다문)

406.1878238963251m    8127     2024-04-07

74-8, Eunhaeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Situated in Jeonju Hanok Village, Gyo-dong, Jeonju-si, Damun serves Korean table d’hote in a restaurant divided into large and small rooms within a hanok building structure.

Yeohangga [Korea Quality] / 여행가 [한국관광 품질인증]

Yeohangga [Korea Quality] / 여행가 [한국관광 품질인증]

411.2533662529689m    9718     2024-04-07

74-11, Eunhaeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk
+82-63-231-3040, +82-10-7742-6738

Yeohangga is a guesthouse owned and run by a woman who majored in early childhood education and who has been teaching children for over 20 years. The name means "A home for a happy trip," she says. It’s a unique guesthouse since the owner offers various traditional educational games. The cozy and comfortable guesthouse is a traditional Korean house built in March 2013 at a site where an old house used to be. The main building and detached building are divided by the ridge of the roof with beautiful rafters. There is another meaning to the name of the guesthouse: "a house where the woman is happy." She named it as such for a good reason. She used to live in Seoul when her parents advised her to move to Jeonju and run a guesthouse, leaving her husband and child behind. At first, she considered accepting only female guests, but it wasn't an option since most of the people visiting Jeonju are couples and groups of friends. Instead, she made sure the guesthouse is safe for women while building the house. Many female tourists traveling alone find this a great feature of the guesthouse because they feel safer during their stay. For one, she installed three doors for the rooms (1 transparent door, 1 opaque glass door, and a traditional Korean door). Not only do the guests feel safer; the rooms are also well-insulated thanks to the triple doors. The floors and walls are covered with traditional Korean paper coated with soybean oil, which is very environment-friendly. In the four rooms named “Spring,” “Summer,” “Autumn,” and “Winter,” there are many toys and materials for traditional Korean cognition games, such as “Chilgyo Game,” “Gonu Game,” and “Mabangjin.” It’s very likely that even Koreans have never heard of these games. The owner of the guesthouse chose these games specifically because they are perfect for children to play in a traditional Korean house. She teaches her little guests how to play the games. “Chilgyo Game” involves making a shape with 7 to 20 pieces, whereas “Gonu Game” is similar to the game of Chinese chess. "Mabangjin" is a type of IQ game that involves laying down a total of nine different numbers in three rows and columns so that the sum of the three numbers is identical when added horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Many guests find these games interesting, and the owner of the guesthouse finds joy in teaching these games to as many families as possible. She recently took over another traditional Korean guesthouse called "Samrakheon" near the Jeonju Oriental Medicine Center. It's a stand-alone guesthouse for groups and families, and she uses the place to teach traditional games to more people.

Sky [Korea Quality] / 하늘애 [한국관광 품질인증]

Sky [Korea Quality] / 하늘애 [한국관광 품질인증]

411.54015982146996m    5672     2024-04-07

33-11, Dongmun-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Sky is a guesthouse located in an alley next to the Jeonju Hanok Village Parking Lot. The house was built in 1930 and remodeled in 2014. It was originally a Japanese-style house, but the original building was completely demolished and a traditional Korean house was built in its place. The sheets and blankets in all the guestrooms are embroidered by the owner of the guesthouse. Her embroidery skills make some of the guests choose to stay at this guesthouse since they can learn the trade from her. She offers an embroidery class for such guests for only KRW 4,000 per person, and only 5 people are allowed in the class. If you want, you can also play the traditional Korean game called "yutnori" for free.

Ihwa Gotaek [Korea Quality] / 이화고택 [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

Ihwa Gotaek [Korea Quality] / 이화고택 [한국관광 품질인증/Korea Quality]

412.1644462414631m    11     2024-04-07

91, Hanji-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

This “ㄱ”-shaped hanok (traditional Korean house) building, standing to the right-hand side of the gate, is an old house with a history of more than 120 years that was transplanted to its present site from its original location in Buan’s local Confucian school in Jeollabuk-do. The building to the left across the courtyard is a “ㄷ”-shaped building with a history of about 70 years. The buildings at Ihwa Gotaek stick to the classics of hanok architecture, featuring the trio of open wooden-floor spaces called numaru, toenmaru, and jjongmaru.
There are 8 rooms in total, 1 four-person room with eight maximum occupancy, and 7 two-person rooms with maximum occupancy of four. All rooms have their own attached restrooms. Guests are served with complimentary seasonal refreshments, either a sweet rice punch (sikhye) or shaved ice with sweetened red beans (pat bingsu) made in-house, and for breakfast guests have a wonderful spread that includes bibimbap, rice cake soup, black sesame porridge, and bean-powder-coated rice cake, served in traditional bronze tableware. Guests can also place their reservations for traditional cultural programs like pansori (epic chant), tea ceremony, natural dye, and Korean paper art, and enjoy a discount of 30% in hanbok (traditional Korean clothes) rental.

Dong Nak Won [Korea Quality] / 동락원 [한국관광 품질인증]

Dong Nak Won [Korea Quality] / 동락원 [한국관광 품질인증]

417.9100619839169m    219     2024-04-07

33-6, Eunhaeng-ro, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Région Jeonbuk

Hanok Hotel Dongrakwon used to be a memorial hall for Missionary M. Junkin who worked in Jeonju in 1985, and had long been used as an official residence for the Bank of Korea. The 100-year-old Hanok retains the history and culture that modern hotels do not have. Since the renovation to make it a hanok hotel, it is now utilized as a space for traditional music performances, traditional weddings, or small weddings. The entire building can be rented for various gatherings, seminars, conferences, family events, and so on. The beauty of a hanok is found in every corner of Dongrakwon such as the wide lawn, the pond in front of Sarangchae, and the jar stand next to Anchae. The antique furniture and folding screen in the rooms have been used for generations, enabling guests of the hanok to time travel to 50-100 years ago. The yard is a great place to play simple Korean traditional plays such as Jegichagi and Dakjichiji, whereas the free-of-charge red clay sauna will relieve fatigue. The outdoor hot / cold bath and sun bath site is a new addition to Dongrakwon. There is a 600-year-old Ginkgo tree standing on the Eunhang-ro, where the accommodation is located. Opposite the alley is Donghak Revolution Memorial Exhibition Hall; Gyeonggijeon East Gate is 200m away. The hotel is close to Taejo-ro, the busiest street of Jeonju Hanok Village; neighboring Eunhang-ro, Choi Myeong Hee-gil, and Eojin-gil all retain the unique quietness and beauty of Hanok Village. It will be also nice to ride on the mountain bike that Dongrakwon offers free of charge in order for guests to visit corners of the Hanok Village, or ride along the Jeonjucheon Stream.