Ongcheon 21segi Jjinppang (옹천21세기찐빵) - Los alrededores - información de viajes Corea

Ongcheon 21segi Jjinppang (옹천21세기찐빵)

Ongcheon 21segi Jjinppang (옹천21세기찐빵)

12.3 Km    50     2021-03-24

959-7, Gyeongbuk-daero, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

This is a place where you can enjoy unique steamed bread at an affordable price. This restaurant's signature menu is steamed bun with red bean filling. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Waryong Gisa Sikdang(와룡기사식당)

Waryong Gisa Sikdang(와룡기사식당)

12.3 Km    45     2020-11-26

8 Taerigeumsan-ro Andong-si Gyeongsangbuk-do

It is a Korean restaurant with 20 years’ tradition. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The most famous menu is braised chicken.

Cheonji Sikdang (천지식당)

Cheonji Sikdang (천지식당)

12.4 Km    35     2021-03-24

90, Utjangteo-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

You can eat maeuntang (fish stew) made with fresh freshwater fish. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The representative menu is spicy freshwater fish stew.

Iljik Sikyuk Sutbul Garden (일직식육숯불가든)

Iljik Sikyuk Sutbul Garden (일직식육숯불가든)

13.7 Km    35     2021-03-24

2474-9, Pungil-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

It is a house where you can enjoy Korean traditional bulgogi. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The representative menu is bulgogi hot pot.

Aldea de las Artes Jirye (지례예술촌)

Aldea de las Artes Jirye (지례예술촌)

14.0 Km    6136     2024-05-07

Jiryeyesulchon-gil 427, Imdong-myeon, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

La aldea se creó con la construcción de la Presa Imha de Andong. En el año 1986, el área de Jirye-ri, Imdong-myeon, de la ciudad de Andong, se encontraba en peligro de hundimiento, por lo tanto, el actual jefe de la Aldea de las Artes Jirye, Kim Won-gil, había trasladado la pequeña aldea hacia un sitio más seguro, detrás de una montaña, instalando 10 edificios. Luego en el año 1990, el Ministerio de Cultura lo había designado como la Aldea de Creatividad Artística, por lo que hasta el momento es utilizada como un espacio de entrenamiento para los trabajos de los artistas. Hay muchas presas multifuncionales construidas en el país, pero esta fue la primera que gracias a la idea de una persona, se ha podido preservar el patrimonio cultural y también establecerlo como un espacio artístico.

Posee un paisaje natural maravilloso, ya que por la noche el cielo es bordado de estrellas y hasta también pasean volando las luciérnagas. Lo único que se escucha, son los cantos de los insectos y el soplo del viento, y, por las mañanas, el lago se viste de la niebla húmeda, por lo que presenta otro escenario mágico y misterioso. El paisaje natural se viste de distintos colores, según cada estación, primavera, verano, otoño e invierno. Visitando la aldea, tendrá la posibilidad de experimentar de aquellas actividades básicas de la vida, recolectar verduras, frutas y setas de pino, cazar peces, y, también degustar de los platos típicos de la región de Andong. En particular, la otra gran experiencia, es que tendrá la oportunidad única de alojarse en la habitación con ondol (sistema de calefacción tradicional), dentro de una construcción de madera que posee 350 años de antigüedad, la que también fue declarada como material patrimonial por la provincia de Gyeongsangbuk-do. Todos los detalles de la casa, será motivo suficiente para que pueda disfrutar del ambiente.

Aunque el papel principal de la aldea es ser utilizada como un espacio de trabajo para los artistas, también es famoso para los turistas extranjeros, que lo frecuentan para conocer y experimentar la cultura coreana. El sistema de baño que utiliza la energía solar, y por la instalación de internet, ha facilitado el acceso de las mujeres y de los turistas extranjeros. Cada año es visitado por más de 5.000 personas.

Escuela de Protocolo de Andong (안동예절학교)

14.1 Km    2321     2023-04-07

Toegye-ro 1333-5, Waryong-myeon, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

En la Escuela de Protocolo de Andong se pueden aprender las etiquetas y los modales tradicionales de Corea. Se encuentra ubicada en la ciudad de Andong, una región histórica que conserva la cultura confuciana y las tradiciones del pasado. La institución también ofrece clases interactivas de la ceremonia del té; para aprender a tocar instrumentos musicales como el janggu (tambor pequeño con forma de reloj de arena) y el gayageum (cítara de 12 cuerdas); participar en los juegos folclóricos, el yunnori (lanzar palos al aire) y el neoltwiggi (balancín); y otras muchas actividades culturales, como aprender la danza de máscaras, elaborar artesanías en papel tradicional hanji, preparar platos típicos, realizar la ceremonia de la boda tradicional y practicar deportes acuáticos en el río Nakdonggang. El lugar también es famoso porque en sus cercanías se encuentran otros destinos turísticos como la Academia Neoconfuciana Dosan Seowon y el Museo de la Ciencia Forestal.

Hakbongjongtaek [Korea Quality] / 학봉종택 [한국관광 품질인증]

Hakbongjongtaek [Korea Quality] / 학봉종택 [한국관광 품질인증]

14.1 Km    5944     2023-04-13

2830-6, Pungsantaesa-ro Seohu-myeon, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
+82-54-852-2087, +82-10-6811-1106

'Hakbong Head House is the head house of the Uiseong Kim clan and was originally built near Sogyeseodang Village School by Kim Gwang-chan, an 8th-generation descendant of Hakbong Kim Seong-il, in 1762. In 1964, the house was moved to its current location. The main building (bonchae) was extended from a ‘ㅁ’-shaped structure to a ‘巳’–shape structure. The anchae (women’s quarters) consists of a daecheong (main floored room) measuring 2-kan (a unit of measurement referring to the distance between two columns) on the right, an anbang measuring 2-kan on the left, and kitchen at the end. The upper part of the low-ceilinged kitchen has a gobang (storeroom) in which household goods used to be stored. The daecheong is large compared to the overall size of the house because head houses usually held many ancestral rites. The Hakbong Head House has an impressive modern garden that was created during construction work carried out when the house was relocated after the Japanese colonial era. The well-maintained garden with its fantastically-shaped trees and rocks also serves as a venue for musical concerts on a regular basis. Guests will surely be fascinated to find out about the history of the people who once inhabited this house and dedicated themselves to the country in times of trouble.

Bap Jal Haneun Jip (밥잘하는집)

Bap Jal Haneun Jip (밥잘하는집)

14.4 Km    65     2021-03-26

31, Gwiyeori-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

It is a place where you can enjoy various Korean dishes. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The representative menu is beefbulgogi.

Yedam (예닮)

Yedam (예닮)

14.6 Km    70     2021-03-30

78-28, Gwiyeori-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do

A restaurant frequently introduced in Korean gourmet programs. The best menu at this restaurant is set menu with grilled salted mackerel. This Korean dishes restaurant is located in Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

An dong gotak Esanru [Korea Quality] / 안동고택 이상루 [한국관광 품질인증]

An dong gotak Esanru [Korea Quality] / 안동고택 이상루 [한국관광 품질인증]

15.4 Km    14593     2020-09-10

3193-6, Pungsantaesa-ro Seohu-myeon, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
+82-54-843-3328 / +82-10-3522-1542

'Andong City in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province is a town of culture and folk traditions where one can trace the long history of eminent families. It is also a symbol of time-honored tradition to the extent that the name Andong reminds people of traditional Korean hanok houses. Isangru, an ancient hanok house with a history of 2,590 years, located in the foothills of Mt. Cheondeungsan, served as a venue for the memorial rite for Kim Seon-pyeong, the progenitor of the Andong Kim clan and a meritorious government official during the reign of King Taejo of the Goryeo Dynasty. Isangru, meaning ‘a tall majestic building built on frosty ground’, is a two-story wooden building with a tiled roof characterized by elegant curves that form a half-hipped shape when viewed from the side. The house consists of two accommodations, Taejangtaesa and Isangru, arranged in a ‘ㅁ’ shape. The large door located in the middle of the ground floor offers an open view of the beautiful natural environment including a pine grove, a pond, and wild flowers. Built in 1750, this hanok house shows its age in its wooden pillars, stone walls, and interiors decorated with wooden engraving on the handrail. Guests can stay in a room heated with wood in winter, or in a tent for a different experience in summer. The house has been well maintained with various repair works, and underwent extensive renovations, including the wallpaper and floors, in 2013. Although it is close to a road, the house is surrounded by old trees, creating the impression that it is situated in the middle of a dense forest. A path runs between ancient pine trees on the road leading to the house. There is a pond with water lilies and white lotus flowers in front of the house, while various species of wild flowers including big blue lily turf, plantain lily, montane aster, and asters come into full bloom around the house in their respective seasons. Fully maintained by the Andong Kim clan, Isangru is a large structure that can accommodate many people and is used to hold clan assemblies. This tall building is also used as a venue for concerts, seminars and traditional hands-on experience programs for students, including tea ceremony, masked dance, natural dyeing, hanji (Korean paper) crafts, and filial duty education programs. The house also offers guests a traditional nobleman’s dining table including various wild vegetable dishes for breakfast. Isangru is popular among Korean and foreign guests who want to experience traditional Korean culture or enjoy a relaxing stay with their parents amid beautiful nature. In addition, it is located between Hahoe Folk Village and Dosanseowon Confucian Academy in Andong, and offers easy access to other nearby tourist attractions including Bongjeongsa Temple, which is the oldest wooden building in Korea and is just three minutes’ drive away, and the two-hour-long Dulegil Trail.