Uiseong Garlic Market (Uiseong Traditional Market) (의성마늘장터 (의성명품마늘영농조합법인))

  • Uiseong Garlic Market (Uiseong Traditional Market) (의성마늘장터 (의성명품마늘영농조합법인))
  • Uiseong Garlic Market (Uiseong Traditional Market) (의성마늘장터 (의성명품마늘영농조합법인))
  • Uiseong Garlic Market (Uiseong Traditional Market) (의성마늘장터 (의성명품마늘영농조합법인))
  • Uiseong Garlic Market (Uiseong Traditional Market) (의성마늘장터 (의성명품마늘영농조합법인))
  • Uiseong Garlic Market (Uiseong Traditional Market) (의성마늘장터 (의성명품마늘영농조합법인))


The Uiseong Garlic Market takes place annually from July to September at the Uiseong Traditional Market, coinciding with the garlic harvest season. During this period, vendors from across the country gather to sell directly at the market. Uiseong garlic is renowned for its small yet firm size, long shelf life due to its antimicrobial properties, distinct aroma, and strong pungency. The traditional market operates regularly, with market days typically falling on dates ending in 2 or 7 each month. On these days, a variety of agricultural products such as onions, peppers, sesame seeds, along with other daily necessities, are available for purchase.

Information Use

Collection of the Day : From July to September every year

Contact and Information : +82-54-834-2554

Business hours : Varies by store

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : Varies by store

Sale Items : Uiseong garlic, garlic products


215-10 Gubong-gil, Uiseong-eup, Uiseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do