Hanbat Sikdang (한밭식당)

  • Hanbat Sikdang (한밭식당)
  • Hanbat Sikdang (한밭식당)
  • Hanbat Sikdang (한밭식당)
  • Hanbat Sikdang (한밭식당)
  • Hanbat Sikdang (한밭식당)


Hanbat Sikdang is a traditional Korean restaurant that opened in 1955. It specializes in various Korean soup dishes made with a broth simmered from beef bones for over five hours. The signature dish is Sohanmari tang (Ox bone soup special), a type of rich gomtang (beef bone soup). The menu also includes seolleongtang (ox bone soup), doganitang (ox knee soup), galbitang (galbi soup), and suyuk (boiled pork slices). It is conveniently located near the KTX Daejeon Station.

Information Use

Representative menu : Sohanmari tang (Ox bone soup special)

Contact and Information : +82-42-256-1566

Business hours : Monday-Saturday 10:00-20:30 / Sundays 10:00-20:00

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Seolleongtang (Ox bone soup) / Suyuk (Boiled pork slices)


1F, 3 Taejeon-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon