Baekcheonjip Sikdang (백천집식당)


Baekcheonjip Sikdang, situated within Daejeon Jungang Market, is renowned for its sundae dishes. The standout item on their menu is sundae gukbap (sundae and rice soup), a savory and flavorful dish where sundae is presented in a broth within a hot pot, ensuring a delightful experience free from any unwanted odors. The addition of kimchi enhances the dish's overall taste. Additionally, sundae is available as a standalone menu option.

Information Use

Representative menu : Sundae gukbap (Sundae and rice soup)

Contact and Information : +82-42-226-0140

Business hours : 09:00-19:00

Day off : Second Sunday of every month

Handling menu : Sundae


119 Junggyo-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon