Gajok Hoegwan (가족회관)

  • Gajok Hoegwan (가족회관)


Gajok Hoegwan is a restaurant specializing in Jeonju bibimbap. The restaurant opened in the 1970s, and its signature menu is Jeonju bibimbap, which is light and flavorful with a combination of freshly cut vegetables, meat, bean sprouts, and eggs. The restaurant is built in a hanok, giving it a traditional Korean atmosphere. It's a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Information Use

Representative menu : Jeonju bibimbap

Contact and Information : +82-63-284-0982

Business hours : 10:30-20:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (open all year round)

Handling menu : Yukhoe bibimbap (Beef tartare bibimbap) / Gajok Hoegwan jeongsik (Jeonju bibimbap set menu)


17 Jeollagamyeong 5-gil, Wansan-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do