Pung Gyeong Hansikdang (풍경 한식당)


Pung Gyeong Hansikdang is a Korean restaurant situated in Baenaegol Valley, often referred to as the Alps of Korea. The flagship menu items include Eonyang hanu bulgogi (Korean beef bulgogi), hanu beoseot jeongol (Korean beef mushroom hot pot), and yukhoe (beef tartare). Eonyang hanu bulgogi delivers a tender and flavorful taste, featuring domestically raised Korean beef. Hanu beoseot jeongol is a hot pot dish simmered with Korean beef and various mushrooms. Yukhoe stands out with its impressive chewy texture and rich flavor. In addition to these specialties, the restaurant offers classic options such as bibimbap and kimchi jjigae. Alongside its dining services, the restaurant operates a pension and café.



Information Use

Representative menu : Hanu beoseot jeongol (Korean beef mushroom hot pot)

Contact and Information : +82-507-1313-8746

Business hours : 09:00-20:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Bulgogi, Yukhoe (Beef tartare), Bibimbap


1032 Baenae-ro, Sangbuk-myeon, Ulju-gun, Ulsan