Anjjang (안짱)

  • Anjjang (안짱)
  • Anjjang (안짱)


This Japanese-style bar and restaurant is run by a chef who studied abroad in Japan and serves delicious snacks that go well with alcoholic drinks. Spicy stir-fried soba, Japanese-style fried noodles with beef loin and vegetables, and grilled chicken, skewered chicken thighs grilled over a charcoal fire, are amazing. Be sure to check out today's menu, which changes every day. Some people try to order ramen because the restaurant was featured as a ramen restaurant in a K-drama, but ramen is not actually available. Besides highballs and sake, diners can also order a sour, which allows you to enjoy the freshness of lemon, citrus, and passion fruit. There is a cozy atmosphere created by unique props like cute dolls and mirror balls, making it a great place for a conversation.


Information Use

Representative menu : Spicy stir-fried Soba Noodles, Dorayaki

Contact and Information : +82-507-1316-0749

Business hours : 17:00-02:00

Parking facilities : N

Day off : Sundays

Handling menu : Anjjang Hot Pot, Tongyeong Steamed Scallops, Grilled Pork Neck


32 Tongil-ro 39-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul