Hantangang Keunjip (한탄강큰집)


Hantangang Keunjip, a beloved local restaurant, offers Korean cuisine for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Its delectable signature dishes include jangeo gui (grilled eel), minmul maeuntang (spicy freshwater fish stew), and neungi baeksuk (whole chicken soup with shingled hedgehog). For baeksuk (whole chicken soup), there's an option to substitute chicken with duck. In the minmul maeuntang, diners can choose from mandarin fish, Korean bullhead, catfish, and hairy crab. The restaurant prides itself on using fresh vegetables grown in its own nearby fields for the side dishes.



Information Use

Representative menu : Jangeo gui (Grilled eel)

Contact and Information : +82-31-835-0625

Business hours : 07:00~22:00

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Handling menu : Minmul maeuntang (Spicy freshwater fish stew) / Saengsamgyeopsal (Grilled pork belly) / Megi maeuntang (Spicy catfish stew)


175 Seonsa-ro, Jeongok-eup, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do