This healing-themed park, operated by an agricultural cooperative in Hawolcheon-ri, offers a restaurant, accommodations, and various experience programs. The restaurant serves a selection of Myeongpum Bapsang set menus, featuring a variety of medicinal herbs, mushrooms, and wild vegetables. These dishes allows guests to savor the unique flavors and aromas of freshly harvested wild vegetables. Another notable feature of the theme park is its Finnish sauna facilities.
달래촌 033-673-2201
Information Use
Representative menu : Mushroom
Contact and Information : +82-33-673-2201
Date of opening : 2010년 07월 09일
Business hours : 10:30~20:00 (라스트오더 19:00)
Parking facilities : available
Reservation : ※ 예약 필수
전화 예약 문의 (033-673-2201)
Day off : 매주 화요일
Number of Seats : 72 seats
Handling menu : Myeongpum Songi Dolsotbap (premium pine mushroom hot stone pot rice)
More information
있음 (남/녀 구분)
강원특별자치도 양양군 현남면 화상천로 634