Located in Daepohang Hoe Town (an area where ‘hoe’ (sliced raw fish dish) restaurants are gathered together), the two-story modern restaurant with a large parking space and a great view of the ocean is Keun Gaetmul Hoetjip.
The exceptional hygienic condition of the restaurant and the kitchen are quite impressive.
Though a bit expensive, it offers the best and freshest ‘hoe’ (sliced raw fish dish) in the town with twenty or more tasty side dishes.
You won’t regret eating there if you want the best your money can buy.
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Представитель меню : Modeum Hoe (Combination Sliced Raw Fish)
о.Чжечжу-до г.Соквипхо-си ул.Тэпхо-ро 161(제주특별자치도 서귀포시 대포로 161 (대포동))