Gyubongam Hermitage (Hwasun) (규봉암(화순))


Gyubongam Hermitage is a small hermitage located on Mudeungsan Mountain. It is believed to have been established during the Silla dynasty (B.C. 57-A.D. 935) and underwent renovations in 1959 to attain its current appearance. Renowned for its picturesque scenery, Gyubongam Hermitage is said to be a must-visit spot for those climbing Mudeungsan Mountain. It is particularly famous for its vibrant autumn foliage, and the area around the hermitage is abundant with rocky cliffs.

Information Use

Contact and Information : +82-62-225-4538

Parking facilities : Available

Day off : N/A (Open all year round)

Hours : [Mountain entrance] Winter season (December-February) 04:00-16:00 / Summer season (March-November) 04:00-17:00

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Admission Fees


40-28 Dowon-gil, Iseo-myeon, Hwasun-gun, Jeollanam-do