Suseong Artpia, opened in May 2007, is a major art center in Daegu. It has specialized, independent spaces for housing performances, exhibitions, and art camps. The art center’s facade was designed to resemble a crane flying away with its wings stretched out in order promote the image of Muhaksan Mountain (named as such because its shape is reminiscent of a flying crane or hak), the mountain on which the center is located. When viewed from the sides however, the center is shaped like a ship, as it was once the site of a large pond. With such an impressive exterior further highlighted by impressive lighting at night, water fountains, and landscaping, Suseong Artpia has become a rising attraction of Daegu. The center is equipped with a mega concert hall that can accommodate diverse genres of performing arts such as an opera, musical, ballet, theater, dance, music concert, and more.
Suseong Artpia +82-53-668-1800
Page d'accueil
Comment ça marche?
Nombre de places : Salle de spectacle : grand amphithéâtre (hall Yongji) 1 147 sièges / petit amphithéâtre (hall Muhak) 320 sièges
Salle d'exposition : grande salle (gallerie Hoban) 310㎡ / petite salle (hall multi-art) 99㎡ / académie d'art, 5 salles
Demandes de renseignements et d'information : Suseong Artpia +82-53-668-1800
Des places de parking : Disponible
Off jours : Tous les lundis
Frais d'utilisation : Varie selon les spectacles
Échelle : Superficie visitable : 18 035㎡ (2 etages en sous-sol, 3 en surface)
Superficie du terrain : 3 658,21㎡
Informations détaillées
General Overview
180, Muhak-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu (Jisan-dong)